Thursday, July 21, 2011


The other day I realized that my life has entered a very peaceful phase. I was looking at a picture on the wall at work and the incredible feeling overcame me that the picture was how I felt about life. It was a beautiful lake with water like a mirror. All around the lake were green trees and bushes with the occasional burst of color from different flowers. As I continued to stare at the picture I began to feel grateful that my life resembled this scene. It has been a long time since I could take a deep breath and not feel stress invade my muscles or mind. Of course no life is free from the small everyday stresses but I am talking about the major life stressers, such as illness, job insecurity, and others that fall into that category. I am content with where God has placed me, the job he has given me, for my husband who constantly goes out of his way to take care of me and the million other small things that makes life not just bearable but enjoyable. I know the peaceful phases in life can not last forever, and really should not or we would loose our appreciation for them, but for now I will revel in the quiet beauty I have been given. I will keep taking deep breaths like I can really smell the trees, flowers and water of my life. But mostly I will be thankful for this time and try not to forget how it felt when life turns to the next phase and stress creeps back in.

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